Tuesday, 7 June 2016

True Fitness 1 Month Free Trial Pass

Received a call from a tele-marketer approach me to redeem one month True Fitness trial free pass at one of their branch.

Initially I promised to go redeem but end up didn't turn up due to lately quite busy. But the tele-marketer keep calling me to follow up so end up I decided to go redeem.

When I reached the Centre, the reception assigned a sales consultant to me. The 1st step required me to go through a survey then only can proceed to the orientation tour. The Survey took me about 45min only finish. After that proceed to the centre tour and it only took around 15min. I thought I can get the pass and proceed to do some exercise since the message ask me to bring along the towel. But guess what...the nightmare just start!

The sales consultant start to hard sell their membership. Below is some conversation between me and the sales consultant (SC) you might be want to know:-

SC - due to you are our special invited guess, we will give you a special rate.
ME - I want to try out 1st and will decide later.
SC - Since you already here why not I ask my manager to give you a super special rate.
(This step been repeated a few times and the sales consultant go in and out to see the manager and come out with a better rate hope that I can commit on the spot)
ME - Can you show me the contract? I believe you want me to commit a membership at least a year 
         or 2 must be have some terms and condition right?
SC - The T&C will give to you after you sign up with us. (I'm thinking are they try to hiding
        something from me?)

Finally is show time because the manager come out try to convince me.

Manager - I know you are rushing why not you give me another 5 min, if after I explain you still 
                 don't want then never mind. (I'm rushing because I'm damn hungry already, as already
ME - OK, please do it fast.
Manager - What is your concern? If is the pricing I can custom made for you.
ME - What is the package?
Manager - RM100
ME - This sound attractive and what is the term and condition?
Manager - You think we are the cheap plug petaling street gym centre? We do not have this type of 
                 package. (Maybe I'm too naive to think got such price, but if you cannot made this type of
                 offer why would you want to tell this? Just want to made me feel I'm stupid?)
ME - OK then never mind.
Manager - Please give at least 5 referral to the sales consultant.
ME - I already give 2, please try call them 1st.
Manager - The SC serve you till now and not even go to puasa, can't you just give at least 5 referral?
ME - I also very hungry now.
Manager - How you compare to him, in between you already eat don't know how many meal.

So after spend almost 2 hours, they finally issue me a free pass but is 15days + 15days. I need to renew again after 15days so that they want to convince me again to sign up the package. 

Will you want to sign up?